How to optimise your car responsive website

How to optimise your car responsive website

Running a website is not an easy task: there are targets to meet, promotions and/or products to launch. It’s no wonder, then, that many website owners can’t find the time to ensure their website’s SEO optimisation is up to scratch. Without the basics, however, potential customers could struggle to find you online, and since research is now a major part of the pre-purchase process, that could impair your ability to make sales.

Here, we cover the basics of a car dealer website SEO.

Quality content

Ensuring your pages provide good quality content that hasn’t simply been lifted from another site is a key part of your search engine optimisation. It’s not sufficient to copy and paste the words from the manufacturer site or waffle on – this will not be valued by the search engines and could even get you penalised. Unique copy that matches your brand guidelines and plenty of high resolution imagery are key to ranking in a higher position and consequently getting found by local and national customers.

Meta titles

Meta titles are concise descriptions of your website pages that tell both users and search engines what each page is about. Including these aids your site’s ability to rank for certain keywords, which can be included in meta titles alongside the brand name. For example, “New Vauxhall Cars in Ealing | Car Dealer Brand” is a functional and relevant title for your new car listing, incorporating the brand of car, your own brand and your location.

Site speed

Another key factor in your SEO optimisation is how quickly your site loads up pages. Not only is it frustrating for users to wait for a page to load, it’s also one of the many ranking factors that hold weight with search engines. Search providers such as Google recognise that long load times are detrimental to user experience, and thus won’t rank sites with longer-than-average times as highly. You can invest in SEO marketing services for help with this element of SEO.

Device friendly pages

Mobile searches are now edging ahead of desktop searches, meaning that if your dealership’s website isn’t optimised for a range of devices, it may suffer in the search engine results. Google has stated that responsive design – a design type that adapts pages to the size of the screen they appear on – is its preferred method of mobile optimisation, so invest in a redesign if your website doesn’t currently incorporate it.

Local SEO

Local SEO is a whole sub-set of SEO optimisation, but the key element to cover off is a Google My Business page. This ensures your dealership is listed as a location on Google search results, complete with opening times, an address and a map location. This not only means you’ll appear for local searches, it also means users can find information about your showroom quickly and make a decision on the fly to visit.

If your car dealership is struggling to rank in the search engines, read more about our website SEO services and get in touch for assistance.

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