SEO Wash-up Monday 5th August

SEO Wash-up Monday 5th August

Google Updates

Google bug knowledge panels without attribution – Google is testing displaying knowledge panels in their search results that do not show any attribution. If you try to test this, you will get Google attributing Wikipedia for the content but in some cases you may notice that it shows a similar knowledge panel but has no link or attribution to Wikipedia for the content or images.

Google tests new tabs for carousels – It seems that Google has been testing more local pack designs and features in search. You may have noticed that the search giant is adding more tabs to the branded local pack. Although other users have been seeing the carousel/scrollable local pack design that Google has been testing for a while.

Google local knowledge panel adds a new button – On some business local knowledge panel, Google has added a call to action to either ‘get a quote’ or ‘request a quote’. When a user searches for a company name, in the right panel or at the top of the mobile results they will get that call to action button.

Featured snippets can use descriptions from YouTube on Google – It seems that the search giant generates the descriptions for featured snippets from YouTube. It may seem like Google wouldn’t use the description content you find on YouTube videos, but the description section of a video sometimes have high quality content for them to use for featured snippets in search.

Google image launches swipe Up to visit site – Google has been testing a new feature within image search. The new feature would allow users to slide up or in an article from an image search result to learn more.

They have officially rolled out the new feature. The swipe to visit uses AMP’s prerender capability that shows a preview of the page displayed at the bottom of the screen. So, if you swipe up on the preview, the web page is displayed instantly and the publisher receives a pageview. With the speed and simplicity of this experience makes it more likely for you to visit a website but still allowing you to continue your browsing session.

Google possibly removing breadcrumb from mobile search results snippet – Though it is not confirmed yet, the search giant seems to either be testing or it may be a bug on removing the breadcrumb from the mobile search results snippet. There has been chatter and screenshots posted on social media of the snippet just showing the domain and favicon, without the breadcrumb trail of the page.

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