Top SEO trends to keep up to date with

Top SEO trends to keep up to date with

Looking to keep ahead of the competition?

In order to keep ahead of the competition and stay on the first page of Google’s Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), it is vital to keep track on the trends within the SEO industry.

Below are current trends we can see playing a crucial part in any SEO campaign:

Social Media

Social media will be an even larger referral traffic goldmine. This is because generally social media has plenty of activity and engagement that occurs within it. Many products and services are being discovered daily on social media. Social media helps supports many people for many reasons such as good findings of customer support.

Voice Search

As home based voice search is on the increase, Google home and Echo by Amazon allow consumers to find anything they want in the simplest way. These services will help people find the answers for whatever they are searching for and will continue to evolve with new features in the near future.

There are already major changes such as being able to request an uber an order foods from places without travelling there themselves and many new technologies will be in place during the upcoming years. Giving local business a new way to be found.


Links will remain to be a by- product of excellent content. Links are still a key ranking signal. Instead of worrying about protecting them, create content that is good that people are willing to share it and link it without the need of you asking. This would indeed help small businesses boost their customers and receive more interests.

Content Marketing

The rise of content marketing is moving towards digital maturity. Content marketing was the top marketing of 2013 and will always stay. Content needs to connect with the right audiences. Marketers are now demanding more return on investment. Content marketing is growing and we are better able to effectively target content, measure performance and correct course to improve the outcome.

SEO Strategy

An effective SEO strategy has three parts. Links, content and social media. The relationship between these elements are what’s really looked on. Content must be focused on your audiences needs.

Social media amplifies your reach, letting search engines allow users to find your content valuable. Links from high quality sites also reinforce that you are a trustworthy site allowing your business or service to be trusted by many. With great content, your business can become well known

Don’t have time to deal with SEO? Do you need help with SEO services? Find out more about London SEO services.

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