SEO Wash-up Monday 13th December 21

SEO Wash-up Monday 13th December 21

Google Update

Google Ads with larger sitelinks block design – Google has been testing a new layout and design for sitelinks. The sitelinks were larger and more block like designed. Now it seems Google is also testing this same design for Google Ads sitelinks.

Google is testing five results in the local pack ‘A 5 Pack’ – Google possibly is testing the local pack in a five pack form, with five local results. The local results box has been known as the three pack as it has only shown 3 results since 2015 but some users haves seen different packs, some have seen two pack while others have seen ten pack.

Google tests search refinements in autocomplete – Google seems to be testing the placements for those search refinement bubbles directly in the Google suggest autocomplete. There has been chatter and screenshots shared on social media showing this in action. Although some cannot replicate this, users assume swiping across the carousel will let you scan through more refinement options and then you can click on a specific keyword, if you want.

Google search featured snippets full width design – Google has been testing an updated design interface for featured snippets. You can see that the featured snippet goes across the full width of the layout, when it normally cuts off at the end of the search box.

Google search console rich results status reports gets more actionable errors – The search giant has added some detail to the search console rich results status report errors. The new details include five new errors plus better details across many error types that should be ‘more actionable’ according to Google.

Google mentions that they are adding more details to some errors on Search Console Rich Results status reports to make them more actionable and help you understand how to solve those issues. Though this statement has left some users a little confused.

The new detailed errors include;

  • Invalid attribute string length
  • Invalid attribute enum value
  • Invalid object
  • Type conversion failed
  • Out of numeric range

A spokesman from Google expanded on that saying ‘The key is that it’s not new errors, just better details on a bunch of cross type errors. These are things that may have been exposed in SDTT but we haven’t had in reports yet. These are very common errors and now they should be more actionable.’

Google is testing vertical line sitelinks

Google has been testing yet another format for its Sitelinks for both the organic search results and the search ads. These are Sitelinks in a vertical format with a line going from the top down.


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